Hello there my lovely fans.
Today I present to you a new devlog in which I will show you some progress I did and also things that I have planned.
Most of the things that are shown are early versions of actual features. They most likely WILL change in the future.
- Gamemode Selection -
(GIFs might take a second to load)

Smooth. As you can see it looks like the older version of it, but works better since I wrote the code for it again. Also added a "More" button.
- Gamemode Selection: More -

Trophies, Minigames and Events all in one easy-to-access screen. I bet you are familiar with the first two things, but "Events" are new.
From time to time on special occasions I'll host special events in which you'll be able to win special rewards (like GOLD, Game Tokens, Loot Boxes or even some cool IRL goodies).
The More section screen is still in progress.
- Refreshed MiniGames -
I didn't remake the Minigames -as it would take me too much time- so I just took a look at the code, fixed some bugs and improved things that I didn't like such as how certain things look visually. All minigames are gamepad compatible.
I won't tell you what things did I exactly change and what they do, you'll have to play the game soon to find out ;v).
Froggit Clicker

"Puzzle" Solver


(Click on the images to Zoom In)
I'm also working on a few new minigames, such as "The Dog Petting Simulator" or "Between Us" - A UNDERTALE version of the popular game "Among Us".
- Settings -

Nothing big, as usual. Just wanted to include some important things people would want.
Gamepad Controls Setup

A screen to test, and setup some simple controls. Also WIP.
- Overworld -

New Movement Engine - Made from scratch by me, I had to make it because the default movement that the game engine I'm using (Clickteam Fusion 2.5) offers, sucks ass. It can't be more accurate to the original than it is now.
Although, the game runs in 60FPS instead of 30 like the original UNDERTALE, so it might feel a bit different.

AFK Mode - Need to go away from your keyboard for some time? Or just simply make your favorite UNDERTALE character 'sleep'? Well now you can.

Dynamic Skin Change - Simply press [X] and number from 1-9 and your skin will be changed. You can of course customize what skin is under what number for your own comfort.

Emotes and Stickers - I think the name explains it. The version you can see on the gif is just a WIP concept which IS going to change.
(Emotes & Stickers are most likely not going to be available in the frist Alpha versions).

New CHAT - Again, a very early version of it. You'll be able to customize the heck out of it. Includes text emotes.
- Other Info -
The development of the game has slow down a bit in the past few weeks, it's of course because school started again and so I can't give the game as much time as I could during summer.
But except for that I have almost everything ready, I except to release the game in the next following months, if everything goes as it should.
I probably wanted to say more but I forgot.
That's it for this new devlog, if you have any questions go ahead and leave a comment.
Thank you for reading, stay safe.