Claustrophobic Nights
5 months ago

Public Alpha Testing for Claustrophobic Nights has started + Proximity Chat Added!

[Devlog Post]

Heyyo everyone! A few days ago, the game has entered Public Alpha! If you just want to test the game, click the red text below, but if you want to read up on what I've been working on for the last few months, read this devlog post.

How can I test the game?

Join the Discord server! Here, you will find the most recent build in the build-updates channel, tutorials in the how-to-play forums, testing discussion in the testing-chat channel, and more!


What's new?

Since my last YouTube devlog, I've gotten SO much stuff done. And currently, the only major thing left before the game is in Beta is to finish the animatronic's programming and fix a whole lot of smaller bugs!

Main Menu

The game's main menu has gotten a pretty big overhaul since my last video, introducing a news tab, patch notes, and some nicer UI!


A proper Pause Menu (Finally)

The game (after what seems like for ever) finally has a pause menu! This isn't really super exciting news for a lot of the people following the game, but it definitely is for the og testers who haven't had a pause menu until 8 months after development started lol


Proximity Chat

Voice chat in game finally works! If you want to check out some clips the community has gotten, or if you want to post your own clips, do so in the Discord server linked at the top of this post!

What needs to be done before the game is fully out?

Currently, this is the update roadmap I have for the game (this is very much so prone to change):

Alpha 9.2: Major bug fix update and some new features

Alpha 9.3: Tutorial and Game over screen

Alpha 10: Animatronics, Single Player/Nights

Beta 1.0: New Maps, Standalone Build, Credits, and more

Beta 1.1: Achievements and other small updates


The trailer will resume production after the game reaches update Beta 1.0 (aiming for late March)


That's all for now, if you want more info on what has been added to the game, I will be uploading a YouTube video tomorrow afternoon, subscribe here and turn on notifications if you want to be notified when it's out!

Take care!



Next up

nvm today IS a good day cause i just keep dropping fire

GO LISTNE https://soundcloud.com/hunterallen06

Claustrophobic Nights 1 Year Anniversary! - Devlog Post


Check out the @PortableMoose shop for exclusive SALLY FACE avatar frames, backgrounds and stickers!

We better see you supporting blue pig tails this weekend!

Collect 'em all here: https://gamejolt.com/#shop #sallyface #gjbroadcast

collaboration new song win day 🤑

You will never be alone again :)

Happy 9th Anniversary FNaF 4

hi frick frack 🤗

Development will resume in the coming weeks.

Art by: @MWaves

Five Nights at Candy's 2: Sugar Rush! is now available!

i be putting tracks on soundcloud

listening time
