7th Street Haunt Presents: Ft. Harmony's Revenge Demo
7 years ago

Questions About the Enemies

Late last night, I was working on tightening up the enemy AI. I’ve noticed that the enemies lose sight too quickly, and move just a little too slow. Finally, they seem to suffer from a severe case of Tunnel Vision. I’ve fixed the losing sight issue, the speed issue, and the tunnel vision.

Now, I’ve noticed that when the enemies see the character the first time, they don’t make a bee line straight for the player. Instead, they arch around and try to come from the side… I’d be okay with that except that the kill mechanic isn’t working unless the player moves. So, I get to figure those things out.

Something that I’ve been asked is about the enemies. Yes, in the full game I plan on having completely original enemies. The problem that I’m facing is that I’m making this game on a budget of $0. I’ve already gone over budget a bit and had to suffer through not paying some bills for that. So, until I can get some way of being able to fund this endeavor, I have to work with what I’ve got. That being said, I’m still trying to figure out how to make this game the best that it possibly could, money or not.

So, thanks for your patience with this, Guys.

-Fixed Framerate issue (too many fog elements running at once)
-Fixed Enemy tunnel vision
-Minor tweaks to make sacrificial items not so difficult to find
-Getting stuck in trailers

Known issues
-Enemies collision bug
-game objects randomly disappear.



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