Joy and me chapter 1

4 years ago

¡questions and answers!

I leave total freedom for you to ask whatever and whatever I answer, doubts, spoilers and more, I do this as thanks for the great support of the game

dejo total libertad a que preguntes lo que sea y lo que sea lo respondo, dudas, spoilers y mas, esto lo hago como agradecimiento por el gran apoyo del juego



Next up

Joy and me VR released now!!!! gogogogogog

Joy and me VR ??/09/2024 full horror experiences recreating sleep paralysis, if we reach the number of 1500 followers the team will release the non-vr version


Joy and me VR / NO VR Update 1.2.0 coming soon adding:

-non vr mode

-fixes and optimization

-translation into Spanish

-community section

The community section are ideas from the comments community that will be implemented in the free version of the game

Rat Race Production Update

new update for joy and me chapter 1!!! ruun!

a few days before the premiere, pay attention

new big update!!