Lost Markiplier: Episode 1
10 years ago

Questions you may have?

If you have any questions, please notify me. But, here are some that I’ll answer before you have to ask me in a silly email.

How many episodes will there be?

I’ve said this before, but there will be five episodes in total. Each one will be uploaded and played seperately, making the fact that there will not be any changes in episode transitions. The climactic and changing decicions begin in Episode 5, to make alternate endings. You still want to make the good decisions while they can be made.

How long will each episode be?

If you speedrun it, about an half an hour, but with side-quests and dialogue not-skipped and read through, first attempt at the game, two hours of gameplay. Hopefully.

Who else will be in the game besides Markiplier’s characters?

There will be all sorts of new characters that I, myself have created, and other YouTubers will be in the game, such as the following:

  • JonTron and his bird, Jaques

  • PewDiePie

  • jackscepticeye

  • Sonic the Hedgehog and Tails the Fox

  • The Game Grumps, Arin (Egoraptor) and Dany (Danny Sexbang)

  • and more.

and of coruse, Mark’s pals include:

  • Tiny Box Tim (and his brother, Tiny Box Jim!)

  • Wilfred Warfstahce

  • Bob and Wade

  • Santa Claus and his elves

  • and more.

Even more characters await. The rest of them shall be revealed during the game’s development.

Will the game be free?

No duh.

How difficult will it be?

Through the progression of the game and it’s episodes, it will get challenging, as somewhat skill and thought will be required to get through tombs, puzzles and monsters. here is an example of the progression:

  • Episode 1 - Walk in the park.

  • Episode 2 - I understand, let’s see what’s up this time? Oh a few, surprises. Not all too terrible.

  • Episode 3 - Hmm, okay. I think I better step up my game. Things are gonna go down, aren’t they? I can feel the stress building up already…!

  • Episode 4 - I died a few times, mostly because I’m not MLG, but hey. I beat it. I better go through it one more time and practice.

  • Episode 5 - Not that bad, actually. Challenges here and there, but some parts are actually calm. You’d be surprised.

What themes will apply?

It will have horror, mystery, blood and gore, sad stuff, overall a charming yet sad as hell game, by the end you are thinking the question, “What am I gonna do today? I had plans but now I’m kinda bummed.”

It will be more comedy conentrated around the beginning, but that’s because the evil corruptiing the world isn’t as powerful yet. The team will be troubled and put through a lot, and by Episode 2 things will get a bit bad.

When will it be done?

February 2015 is my main goal for completion. I won’t rush myself, just wanna make a good estimate. So far, I’m doing rather good.

Will there be any continuations/sequals once all five episodes are all done?

Yes, actually. There will. But I’m not saying anything yet. All I’m gonna say is, they are nice and they are games.

If you have any questions that were not relevant to those asked here, contact me at [email protected]



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