2 months ago

Quick sketch of my sona



Next up

Hey, sorry I've been gone for ages. I've been having an insane amount of problems with my laptop, but all is hopefully sorted out now. Also, I basically merged the two versions of my sona because I didn't particularly like either, so here he is.

Quick little sketch

So...uh i re-drew Rex.

also sorry ive been gone for like ages, ive been super busy with school and some other stuff

My Airplane Dragon, HUNT3R :]] He is based of a Sukhoi SU-30 which is my fave plane to fly in flight sims. :]

the symbol on his wing is also on another of my characters, see if u can remember which >:]

Six little dudes I just drew up. Might scan then onto my laptop to colour them tomorrow.

work in progress a profile pic for my discord XDD

My laptop charger has broken so no more digital art until I buy a new one, Yay! Take these in the time being

Quick re-design of some charater I made a while back

A wolf in sheep's clothing

(friendly reminder this is Ralph wolf )

Made this angel cat thing, ima make it a devil counterpart soon