Hi Everyone! I just wanted to first say thanks a lot for the support for Remaster, I really appreciate it! Secondly, I wanted to talk about where the mod's future will head next after Chapter 5 is released.
I won't be as actively modding as I would be before its initial release. As a result, the upcoming Update 1.1.0 will be a way to tidy up the lingering issues with Remaster before Chapter 5's Release. Which is why I will need your help to figure this out by filling out the Remaster Overhaul Patch Note Survey which is in this link: https://forms.gle/EXZspWAmpwVhyMEH9
I intend to release this at the beginning of October so just be mindful of that if you want to fill it out.
Speaking of Chapter 5's Release, The future of Remastered will be decided once that time comes and how well the DD modding community is from now until then. Monsters and Mortals recently took a massive blow in terms of modding when the Yandere Simulator DLC dropped during August 2023 because of MnM having an update to Unreal Engine 5. UE5 isn't as supportive towards bigger mods like UE4 has been as of making this post, which means there's a branching path coming if DD has the same fate as MnM. Either DD won't be moddable for a long while after Chapter 5 (Let alone at all) or if it is moddable, I will need to start all over again with slight differences as part of the end product of Chapter 5. Obviously this won't happen for a while, but this might be a topic in the future of Remaster as well as other well-known DD Mods.
To wrap things up for now, I wanted to thank you all again for support on Remastered, it really means a lot to me, and I hope you have an awesome day. :)
Oh and here's a glimpse of one of the things I hope to do if Chapter 5 is Moddable ;)