1 year ago

Random Doodles at school with my classmate



Next up

Fellow artists, do you name your layers like this when you're bored/frustrated or it is just me?

I now have a TikTok account, I only created it so that nobody would claim my name lol. I'll possibly post some art process videos there whenever I feel like it ✌️

Want to show support and some swag? Get yourself a BlueJi Hoodie today! Visit my shop to claim yours!

GAME ALMOST DONE??? (Devlog 3)

Got myself a Prototype from Youtooz! I didn't expect to get an early version of The Puppet

I want to thank to everyone for the heartfelt birthday wishes! It really means a lot to me and makes me feel so special. Here's a morning photo of me with a homemade cake that my mom baked with my #FNaF figurines. Isn't it as sweet as chocolates? 😊❤️

Another drawing session with The Homies


Today's my 19th Birthday! To celebrate, we're doing the #DTIYS challenge featuring the birthday boy and the gang! 🎂🎉

Use #DTIYS19Birthday to enter the party :D