11 months ago

Rate the following:

1. My attempt at replicating an original OEM installation of Vista

2. My Windows 8.1 Start Screen



Next up

Fanmade Windows Vista Advert

Just installed Windows Aqua on my laptop!

One word: Vista! Just a fuck ton of Vista! :)

You will be missed, Cortana.

So, I put you next to your sibling.

Or maybe we’ll see you again in Halo.

Improved my Start Screen and my sideloading skills!

i think my computer is posessed


Make Your Room More Visually Appealing Using Microsoft's New SurroundSpark™ Technology

Note: I am NOT affiliated with Microsoft, this is fanmade!


Does anyone wanna help for a fandom wiki of my creations? If do sent me a friend request...

Luxureflect: Your line of sight is in an instant flash, blinded and distorted by these festive looking reflections packed with multiple shades of red.