I absolutely hate ranting, but I can't, this ruined my mental health, I will make this the shortest I can.
My aunt and my Mom friended each other again and planned a party in the same day I was going to chill in a lake with my Uncle, Grandma, Mom, Other Uncle, we had a lot of fun there.
Then when we reached home, we then went to the supposed party, and this was the part where everything got bad for me.
The second I entered the party, I faced 15–17-year-old White Brazilian girls twerking with extremely thin bikinis, all butt naked.
There had like two black people in this party, which also just now I noticed, perhaps Racism...?
I felt uncomfortable already by that.
There had some music genre I despise with all my heart being played at maximum volume (Very Sexual Brazilian Funk), which did not just hurt my ears but make me feel a bit suicidal.
Then the “supposed” kitchen, had some stuff, but there had a LOT of mosquitos there.
I ate some food and drank some “Guarana”.

The music was loud, the girls kept twerking, I was heavily bothered, I told my mom to let me leave, but she said “No”, I was starting to lose my sanity.
After doing everything possible, including drastic suicidal gestures several times, she finally let me leave the party, and the second I got out of the party, I immediately started running back to my house on foot, I'm serious.
And this was the WORST party I've ever had, some details and stuff could make it worse, but I don't want to make this 16-18, thanks for reading.