8 months ago

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Hey Its Robo. I had to delay the game like Twice because I Couldn’t Release or Finish the Game Heres the Reason!

I been having Bad Nightmares and Bad sleep Recently for an Entire week and I been Chatting with a Favourite Teacher of Mine at my school And Lots of bad stuff happened at my school and I have been exhausted So ill Continue Speaking to my favourite teacher.

But whats Most importantly is About the Game Now like i said I haven’t been well recently But I will try Get a chance to Finish and Release the Game! Its Definitely Going to Release in Christmas But there wont be a release date yet until its Finished!



Next up

Hey Everyone the Scracth Addons Community is Back!

And anyone is free to Join!

I just made the community So i wont have a description or pictures but yeah!



Do you have any Snacks???

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!


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"The Synthesis"


#ThankyouRobo 🇱🇻 🇷🇺

I guess you forgot about me... 🎪🍦

A new Game Coming soon

Robo's Foxhouse! - The Lost Mask

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