1 year ago

Read article for funny

Top 10 famous last words :

10 : Don't worry i got this

9 : What do you mean I can't boop the danger noodles ?

8 : It's just a prank bro.

7 : Where is the nuke ?

6 : I got a bad feeling about this

5 : Holy hell that is one big mother fucker

4 : I got a good feeling about this

3 : Is that a grenade ?

2 : Hello officer

1 : Nothing can go wrong

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Next up

non-holliday spy loadout

Think I did pretty good


1- I am going to BEE the reason your funeral is a closed casket one.

2- Hello there

Isometric Rooms - Left 4 Dead No Mercy Saferoom 1! Spent few days to put everything together and i love how it looks like! I will also make every other Saferooms from remaining campaigns!

Another one of my memes got noticed


it's a pipebomb

L4D2 Beta content- On the map that is featured in the games Liberty Mall, you can see that the mall has 2 stated by design exists, in reality in the game there is only 1. Seems like 2nd was cut from game to optimize the map. But forgot this detail in map.

My favorite loadout is my heavy christmas loadout

What do you think ?

I give it a solid 8/10

Created this note, in style of Resident Evil files that you can find in the game. Usually when roaming around u could find files and notes by different characters in the game adressing different things. I created something regarding L4D2 universe instead

Decided to check the secret messages before bed after a long day of work and reading fanfictions.

And this is what i see

Now i want to read more fanfics but i can't cuz i got a ton of things to do tommorow