The Evil Horror: The Catalyst

3 months ago

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Happy birthday...

ENG: An ordinary post, just to note to myself that today is my birthday. Unfortunately, the cake that is in the post will be in the third episode.

And more... I must say right away - the development has not stopped, the game continues to be developed. Only the 2nd episode of the remake of the bossbattle. And so I'll say right away that all the material and stuff is ready. I just need to recode, and I'm also slowly learning "Unreal Engine 4" Thanks for waiting for the game.

RUS: Обычный пост, просто себе отметить, что сегодня у меня День Рождения. Кст, тот тортик что есть в посте - будет в третьем эпизоде.

И ещё... Сразу скажу - разработка не остановилась, игра продолжает разрабатываться. Только 2-ой эпизод переделываться боссбатл. А так сразу скажу - что весь материал и прочее готово. Только надо перекодить, и ещё я потихоньку учу "Unreal Engine 4" Спасибо что ждёте игру.



Next up

Episode 3 is starting to be developed, and so is a look at the main office)

P.s. The Evil Horror: The Catalyst vs. The Evil Horror: Deltarune (Chapter 2)

The second episode is completely over! Read Article!

Every shadow is a caution.

Small hitches with the second episode!

Read article:

long night

Screenshots of the gameplay of the 3rd episode:

News about the 3rd episode

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BLOOD & GEARS: FNAF 1 Trailer Recreation

DISCLAIMER: This is not our official trailer! This is simply a recreation of the first FNAF trailer with our assets for fun. Enjoy! :)

Art and fan art competition for Episode 3!

Read Article(ENG and RUS)