2 years ago


What does 300 mean to my account well I tell you one thing I will be doing a Q&A later I really want to talk to you fuckers and you can ask me questions if you want

Thanks to these people who made game jolt fun

@Homicidal I wish you were here

@aftons_revenge if I met you I would still kiss you

@GlamrockFoxyFan you are one of the most interesting people I have met

@GL1TCHF0XY-GL1TCHTR4P I read your book that was awesome

@Mr_Nico_Cat you have to be one of the funniest people I know

@Amazing_Artist your art is amazing I mean it's in your name

@DaDumBoi you should have way more followers your art is so much better than mine

@Emmie-the-forest-elf I love your serial tips

@XenonLeon thanks for the list

@HUGGY_JRFAN101PIBBYFAN you could be a amazing animator

@Zezo-The-Cool the fact that you keep changing your pfp to a celebrity is comedy gold

@Just_A_Cactus_Studios your art is definitely better than mine

@Vlad876 I love your art and if you're interested I have a art contest coming up soon

@LukeTheStrangeCat thank you for making me question my sanity

https://gamejolt.com/p/300-xck9imsn the 300 special video

Thank you all I can't believe that all this happened in one year for me I will do the Q&A soon and until then remember to smile



Next up

I woke up in the wrong time period. Wait... how do I have recept-

I put sooooo much work into my arg and my thighs get more likes

Meer Zelvox and Nibble get used to them you'll be with them all month

school doodles 💪

Femboy Thighs at a showing of Captain America Brave New World

Dapo the cheeky merchant! he will sell you items in the game while also having interactions with him

This is a character I was given this is Noodle we love her despite her lack of a brain

I was given her but Idk who made her

Yes I have every Dog Man book made gonna do a reread because I'm watching the movie this weekend

Rascell! the devious pilfer, this raccoon has an eye for the prize, and he will do anything it takes to get it!

Right I'm done good night