What does 300 mean to my account well I tell you one thing I will be doing a Q&A later I really want to talk to you fuckers and you can ask me questions if you want
Thanks to these people who made game jolt fun
@Homicidal I wish you were here
@aftons_revenge if I met you I would still kiss you
@GlamrockFoxyFan you are one of the most interesting people I have met
@GL1TCHF0XY-GL1TCHTR4P I read your book that was awesome
@Mr_Nico_Cat you have to be one of the funniest people I know
@Amazing_Artist your art is amazing I mean it's in your name
@DaDumBoi you should have way more followers your art is so much better than mine
@Emmie-the-forest-elf I love your serial tips
@XenonLeon thanks for the list
@HUGGY_JRFAN101PIBBYFAN you could be a amazing animator
@Zezo-The-Cool the fact that you keep changing your pfp to a celebrity is comedy gold
@Just_A_Cactus_Studios your art is definitely better than mine
@Vlad876 I love your art and if you're interested I have a art contest coming up soon
@LukeTheStrangeCat thank you for making me question my sanity
https://gamejolt.com/p/300-xck9imsn the 300 special video
Thank you all I can't believe that all this happened in one year for me I will do the Q&A soon and until then remember to smile