8 hours ago

Ready, M∆yb3 is already done

Now there's only one left



Next up

The photo is shit but the moon is orange


The uzi is a damage Oc

And the redesign of the nw beta now renamed to M∆YB3 is going to be a BADASS OC 😎😎😎😎😎

Check out the chest of the man m∆yb3 there

Hi guys, I'm still alive

And since the weather is not good for me to draw, for now you will have this meme (sorry;-:)

I'm waiting for Friday to arrive to see if it's going to rain or not to see if the rain will put an end to the smoke and forest fires.

Finally the smoke, the burning smell and the breaking bad filter went away

I'm preparing something interesting for you.

This is just a little teaser so you know what it's going to be about.

For lore reasons that I don't want to reveal for now, one of m∆yb3's legs is from a male dismantling drone while the other is from a female drone.

And before you ask, yes he technically would have a wooden leg, meaning HE IS A PIRATE

Some of my OCs in formal wear HELL YEAH