Underwater Wonder's Reborn

7 months ago

ready oh no here we go
#fnaf #underwaterwonders #teaser

great news everyone, the original characters without exception returned.

This small team has done unimaginable things and we have already exported the models to c4d but blender will also be used so don't worry, even though the work is not finished there is a lot to do and we have reached that point.

Available areas

Although we have made progress, it does not mean that you do not need extra labor.

Looking for a 3D blender or c4d modeler, it doesn't matter, 2d artist and sound creator and programmer.

The only requirement that I ask is that they be punctual with the work, that they be dedicated and punctual with what is requested, only that is requested (I clarify that there will be no payment in case someone thinks wrong haha).

I also say that if these vacancies are already accepted, entry to the team will be closed since I am not asking for a huge team, just that they are passionate about reviving the project 100%

I also thank @edu_mohe for having brought to reality a character that did not have a 3D model until now, thanks to him we have made a progress that does not seem like it is exaggerated.

The idea of ​​an official discord server for the game is also being considered, you will be informed soon.



Next up

new renders of the game coming soon reveal of a very very special character

Hello everyone, since I have nothing to publish at the moment, here I give you a wallpaper of my part inspired by another game, see you later.

Devolg #6

finished and retextured map

We'll see you on YouTube in 1 MINUTE.


ssh something big is brewing, you just need patience and support and help haha

Balloon Boy redesign complete!

The official game page is now available for all of you

the new designs are here

So new character, huh? We back at it @Mortuus

Benny's Deluxe is here