2 months ago




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Finished the Director! He comes to your window and asks for a specific sound, just play it.

Check the article for more ⬇

3rd teaser for Shadows of the Stage.

guys! what should i add here

i'm really struggling to add something else here

Teaser # for Shadows of the Stage! Check the article for more info ⬇

The Pac is back with a little change in his design

Finished the Marrionetta! What you have to do, is set the spotlight color to the same as the color of the indicator, and point the light towards her.

Check the article for more ⬇

Finished the Stagehand! He just comes to your door, and you must close it. There isn't any power, but when you walk off it closes.

Check the article for more ⬇

FINALLY starting on the actual coding part of SotS!

Check more in the article ⬇