Hello everyone, I hope you are well, well I will have to get to the point since the first demo of the game will be released, so I said that there would not be but in the end I regretted it and the game will have a functional and playable demo.
Well, and you will wonder when it will come out, when we will see it and play, well, I will tell you, it will come out on 15/06/23. You will be wondering why there is something special on that day, well let me tell you that I did not just choose that date to see if the page has a little more support, which I only ask for that, that you support the game page and comment, I only ask for that and the most important is that they support the people who help in the game.
Well that would only be remember 15/06/23 the demo will come out.
New Development
Apart from the launch of the demo I also want to share the development of some new things.
One of those new things is the opening cinematic before starting the first night where we will have a conversation
Here a small capture.

Apart from that I will confirm once and for all what was left for the game.
Custom night
Subtitles in Spanish, English etc.
After night minigames.
Now with the new, other things had to be removed.
As an example, the animations that appear before each night with certain characters, if you do not remember, is this: https://gamejolt.com/p/every-day-it-becomes-more-ambitious-yna7iryp
They were completely eliminated and will not be used, however others were put in that I feel are much better than those.
Well I think that would be all for today I hope this brings encouragement to many and excitement for those who want to try the demo of the game see you until next time.