Graveyard Garden
8 years ago

REMAKE? || What I was doing this last week

Hello everybody!,
As you can see, I didn’t work on this game for a long time, that’s ‘cause I has another project to do, and I have a lot of work.

If you go to the REGEN devlog, you can see the big project that I’m working.

Anyway, last week I finally decide to redo this project how I really wanted to do in the #GBJAM4 , and also, make it part of the timeline of that project, like a prologue or something like that.
OH, I also make a new platform engine to develop this project, so, I have less limitations than with my old engine, and also, I have a better soundtrack list to the game done by 456c.
{% soundcloud 172126956 73C681 %}


So, that’s all, I’m gonna try to complete this game before September 30th, and I’m gonna use this devlog platform to show you all the stuff that I’m gonna add.

See ya’ guys!




Next up

I finished the in-air attack animations last week but decided to post about it the today! ---

Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!

The player now moves a bit vertically (like a small jump) when hits something from below.

Bug or feature? ---

Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!

Don't mind me, I'm just testing some stuff here and didn't want lose the #indiedevhour


Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!

I 've been adding color blind accessibility options now for the demo! (Still a WIP btw)


Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!

So I had this idea of adding one more depth layer to the game with foreground decorations, have been easy, but it's still a WIP! ---

Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!

Added some decorations to the foreground layers this week! ---

Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!

Have been tweaking some colours and configurations, I think it looks very decent now, but I will do one more iteration!


Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!

Ok the pixel bleeding was unexpected. I think I just broke something related to shaders on HDR surfaces.


Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!

Take a first glance of the new attack animations!

For now only works in-ground attacks, but planning to add in-air later this week!


Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!

Here I'm testing some "hidden" and optional artifacts that you can get in your adventure!


Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!