Added in a few suggestions, FOV is definitely one of the more trippier settings (゚Д゚;)
Additions & Changes
FOV setting added, to get to it go to Settings>General>Field of View. This only works on Desktop Mode
Axis inversion settings added, to get to it go to Settings>General>Axis inversion
Vive trackpad movement tweaked so there’s more range of movement when you move your thumb outwards.
High and Ultra settings were lowered in VR to be more reasonable but the difference shouldn’t be too noticable. As long as you don’t change your graphics they’ll stay as they were before the update. The following are the changes if you want to reproduce an old graphics setting. The viewing distance on High was changed from 33% to 18% and light quality went from 37% to 20%. On Ultra the viewing distance went from 50% to 33%, light quality 72.5% to 50% and MSAA 5x to 3x.