11 months ago

Repost for some communities:

I’m currently working on a campaign based FPS game heavily influenced by old COD games. It’s a really big project that won’t even have a demo out till a while, but if you like the idea, I’d be thrilled if you’d follow me! Thx!

Note: first two screenshots are rendered thumbnails, and the rest are gameplay of an old version of the game which is now deleted. Game is made in unreal engine 4.



Next up

Dissapointment simulator Chatper 3: Boe Jiden

Coming soon.........(ish)

Sorry I left. I’ll continue developement eventually, I’m busy and the lack of attention my games been getting is not helping my motivation

Def not blaming anyone it’s honestly a motivation/focus issue. Nothing canceled, I just don’t have enough time.

I really am looking forward to Call of Duty MWII, so I built a countdown timer for it.

Nothing complicated, but I had fun making it: https://github.com/nilllzz/mw2-countdown

Check out my SoundCloud page! Just one in progress song on there now, but hopefully more soon!


A custom time control system for #UnrealEngine. Footage shows all time slowed down, then later only Enemy & Environment time slow being toggled.

Time can be categorized and put into a hierarchy for an unlimited level of control. #gamedev

So many…. Thx guys! I take your support for granted sometimes until I remember how many of you there are! This inspires me so much! I’m getting back into making the game currently, but I will stop setting release dates, as those are destined to fail.

MWII worldwide reveal JUNE 8

Super hyped for this one, can't wait to see how they improved upon MW2019.


Just listening to metallica while animating shrek flying airforce one. Life is Good.