5 months ago

Response to PowerGauntDoc

Hello, everyone. Philip from Nyctobloom here. I know I am almost 20 days late to my 4-year anniversary of creating the Nyctobloom brand since 2024, but things happened. That’s not what I am here to discuss today, however. Today, I am here to discuss some very wild accusations being placed on me. Some user by the name of PowerGauntDoc, or as I’ll call him, PGD. His post contained a lot of accusations, namely me being anti-LGBTQ, anti-Palestine, an AI art supporter, a groomer defender, a plagiarist, basically any negative thing you can think of. I'm sorry I had to post this response in HERE of all places, but I figured it's the best area to do so considering this is where accusations of me were posted.


All the accusations were supposedly backed up by screenshots, but when I tried to check the links, all I got was a dead screen saying that the content was unavailable. Regardless, I will still respond to each accusation despite me not being able to see the supposed screenshots.


No, I am not a Zionist, or a condoner of ethnic genocide. I do not condone the actions done by the Israeli government or its supporters and military. Even if I myself hadn’t really done much of anything to support Palestine or any country facing any hardship, even my own, I still do have sympathies to the people who are currently under severe circumstances, and if possible, I heavily urge you to provide any amount of support you can provide. HOWEVER, I also do not condone being anti-sematic. I do not condone discriminatory against Jewish, Israelites, or people who believe or practice Judaism, as long as what they do does not harm others. I REALLY do not like it when people have such a hate boner for Israel, to the point where they would literally wish death upon anyone who’s neutral, anyone who’s related to Jewish people, Judaism, Israel, etc. Something I’ve seen some (not all) supporters do a lot of. Point is, you can be supportive to Palestine, while not generalizing on hating on every single Jew/Israelite. This is basically “all men are rapists” logic. And to anybody wondering as to why I did not mention a single thing regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict, there are a few reasons;


1.       There are people who’ve spoken about the situation much more frequently, and much better than I ever wish I could. Therefore, what does me talking about it contribute to the discussion? To spread awareness? You must be living under one hell of rock to not even know a simple summary of what’s happening.

2.       This is an account which I’ve made to post amateur doodles, gameplay videos, and needlessly long posts about videos games I like. I don’t see how me talking about war can fit into my account. This is not to say I won’t discuss politics ever, I would like to one day if I could, but not anytime soon.

3.       During my active years when this account was still known as Nightshade or Nyctodream, drama was practically rampant on my account. And, it’s mainly due to my 16-year-old edge lord phase, and the pandemic overall driving me crazy. By no means does it excuse my edgy and sometimes even toxic attitude online, but I do want to better myself and distance from it as much as possible.

These reasons are also why I did not make any comment regarding the situation in the Ukraine, the Congo, Venezuela, the United States, Indonesia, the South China Sea, really anything. Because others could do it better than I could, and this place and time just simply isn’t it. Regardless, if you feel you can help contribute to the support of Palestine, I heavily implore you too.

Second accusation, no… I am not Anti-LGBTQ+. For crying out loud, I used to be a transgender female a few years back. Of course, it’s debatable if that counts really, because I never wore a dress, had make up, or even had a feminine name, but I DID wish I was female and introduced myself as trans during 2020-2021, and I “detransitioned”, because I felt it wasn’t “me” at that point, if that made any sense. Most of my current and former friends/associates are even queer, yet I never minded them. Needless to say, unless PGD wants to say that I’m a “hypocrite”, no, I am definitely not against any homosexuals or transgenders. I have MANY more problems in my life for that to even reach the top one million.


Third accusation, no. No, no, no, no, and no. While I do think AI generated images can be helpful or fun, I never supported AI replacing actual artists. The only time I “did” was when I made a drawing of one of my character designs, with an AI’s interpretation of said character, trying to prove that AI CAN be helpful, in the sense that it can help artist’s creativity, not support it. Check out Ghost and Pal’s Wreck-less Battery Burns as an example, the song’s lyrics were mostly a result of AI, but then a cover was made, a lot of art was made for the song, and the lyrics were properly adjusted for Ghost to make a wonderful piece of art made by them and their friends. That’s what AI should do, not “end the artist’s career” like they badly try to advertise.


I also just want to say, to anyone who saw my YouTube video where I responded to AI Art accusations (which you can check out here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhS9zAVdiHw), you would know that I was accused online by someone named CheesecakeLover for trying to promote AI, which I fully debunked. On top of this, they tried to then spread negative things about me all online, especially because I refused to apologise to him for “wronging” him or whatever, and instead sending a rickroll. Now, why is this relevant? Well. CheesecakeLover would soon delete his account, and make another one called Sir Pumpy,where he would actively tweet in threads I’m in and convince others to block me, where I then wouldn’t be notified of what’s happening. On top of this, even stole some of my doodles and convinced others that they were his. When I found out about this, I called him out on EVERY single thread he made about me and blocked him. Here are the links to that: https://x.com/PumpySir/media


You can clearly see all that work was done in MY style. Those pictures he’s claiming are “his” were all done by me.


And he did this again on TWO more accounts, DeadFreak and BirthFreak. THIS time, he blocked me on BOTH accounts and proceeded to slander me more online, accuse me of stealing art, and then say that the stuff I made were his. I’m not really “that active” on Twitter, so I only found out about this much later. Needless to say, I ended up deleting that account, and left the platform, hoping he doesn’t find me again… Only to realize he found my Instagram, this time on another account, causing me to lock it temporarily, and once again tried to slander me on a Discord server where I said I was in, and even got me banned. At this point, I was terrified of my safety, did I really get an online stalker because I pissed someone off for using AI?


Now, why the hell am I saying ANY of this? Well, looking at the grammar of all the accounts mentioned, BirthFreak and and DeadFreak especially, and then look at PGD, you’d see their grammar level are on par with each other. Combine that with PGD bringing up THESE kinds of drama specifically, makes me think that PGD is the same person as CheesecakeLover, Sir Pumpy, BirthFreak, and DeadFreak. Now, here he is trying to slander me again.


To continue addressing more accusations, he said I supported a pedophile. That pedophile being Jonochrome… Look, I’m not gonna beat around the bush further, I already said my peace about him back in 2021 and 2022. So, I’ll just say this. Jonochrome is NOT a pedophile because he doesn’t meet the actual textbook definition of it, which would be the objective definition. And he’s not a groomer or a predator because NOTHING sexual happened, the victim even stated this. Unless you want to tell me that Jon manipulated or coerced Emily to side with him (which there is NO evidence of), why the fuck would she do that? On top of this, while I defended Jon from the accusations of him being a pedophile or a groomer, I didn’t defend him for what he ACTUALLY did do, which was date someone who was 14 when he was 21 for more than half a decade. I already stated that this was seriously fucking stupid of him, and that his second response to the whole mess was dogshit. If you want more detailed thoughts, please read this: https://gamejolt.com/p/all-my-stuff-related-to-jonochrome-aprwwmsu And to anyone who thinks I’m still a pedophile supporter, please honestly just fuck right off. I have no interest or mental capacity to argue further. I’ve long left that phase in 2022.


The next accusation was that I supported Theft King in the Kane Carter drama and spread misinformation. Okay, I will admit, this is the ONE accusation PGD made that’s “somewhat” truthful, but he left out a LOT of context. The reason I made that post was because it was a massive thing in the FNaF community at the time, and I wanted to chime in. However, there wasn’t a lot of context provided into what’s happening from my end, because it was all coming from Twitter, on Kane and Theft’s own threads. I didn’t see this, because I no longer followed either account, so the only information I got was Theft’s message to Kane and the tweets I saw online. Therefore, I thought Theft simply wanted Kane to tell people to stop harassing him many times, yet Kane didn’t simply because he didn’t feel like it was his responsibility and left a troll apology, only for Theft to start making the infamous livestream. I didn’t know that Theft would actively lie about Kane when he actually tried to provide Theft with help regarding the supposed harassment (which was simply negative feedback), failed to provide concrete examples of the said harassment until he cried about it on stream, interjected himself on a Twitter thread because Kane made a Tupac meme about Sheeprampange, and more. I didn’t update the post, because I figured I had a very insignificant following, therefore, my incorrect information didn’t affect much. Especially since I bet the people who follow me on GameJolt, likely follow Kane, TheBaddest, FuhNaff, or anyone who would cover the topic way better than I could even wish for. For crying out loud, I even edited it to say that more information has dropped, which PGD SHOULD KNOW because that’s where I mentioned I’ll update the post when I didn’t, a point he made in his accusation. Also, can I just say how fucking desperate it is to try and put dirt on me by finding my admittedly botched report on drama from YEARS ago. It’s stuff like this being the reason why I don’t comment on drama as much. I still do it, namely the Sssniperwolf and Jacksfilms doxing fiasco, but that’s a blue moon scenario. Even then, I deleted the video.


His FINAL accusation, was that my main cast of characters, namely these two, Benny Don and John Doe: https://www.deviantart.com/nyctodream/art/The-Characters-names-893308023 were essentially stolen designs from the main two characters from Dick Figures. I will admit, they do look hella similar. But no, Dick Figures was not in my mind when I made these characters, hell I haven’t KNOWN of Dick Figures’ existence until this was brought up. They were designed the way they were because I had an obsession with Henry Stickmin back in August of 2020, when I first designed them, I made them red and blue because it’s a common trope in character design. Look at Cuphead and Mugman, Mario and SMG4, Team Fortress, there’s a lot. Benny is red because he was Russian, he has a metal pot for a hat in reference to Crazy Dave, he has a moustache because I thought it worked for a middle aged man. John is blue because he’s American, he’s designed the way he is, is beause of Spongebob. So no, Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid had no influence here either. And even if PGD is right, that I did “steal” the character designs from Dick Figures, so what? Sure, you may get the same fundamental vibe, but they have characteristics that stand out on their own. Really, this accusation is so mind numbingly fucking stupid, I’m gonna need chemotherapy because this shit has given me brain cancer.


Those were all the accusations. PGD is NOT someone to be trusted. He’s not a good person, and he doesn’t have any good intentions with the stuff he does. If he is willing to make accounts to stalk me and harass me online, he could do it to you too. Do not fall for his bullshit.


This is Philip Buchanon from Nyctobloom Creations signing off.

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