The morning dawn arises like every other day, birds chirping their songs of joy and insects chittering like a squabbling child. My eyes soon opened as my time of stasis through the night was over, though I wished I could enjoy it a little longer, even if only for a few more minutes. My pseudopods stretch and my back arches, akin to a cat waking from a long deep sleep. My head tentacles wiggled about to enjoy the early morning scents of the nearby patch of poppies. Today was going to be yet another day of enjoying where I was for a short time, but then again it was my own decision to live a life of a nomad. “This dawn should be a good day to hunt for some deer.” I whispered to myself, my voice a bit static filled and low as my body was still adjusting to waking up from my slumber. I leaned over to my left, pulling out a small little bottle of a chemical humans sold at those stores to mask one’s scent from these deer from a pouch i had nearby. My body irked and scrunched at the smell alone: foul and fetid but it was the only way for those four legged creatures to not detect my own body scent. I hesitantly kept it open as I stood up and began to go out into the woods. l squirmed a bit, letting my pseudopod shape into a sharp thin protrusion: a spear of sorts, meant to directly go into one’s heart.
Moments passed and I soon found my prey after a trek: a buck no larger than 5 feet, antlers large and proud, blooming forth like a tree bearing fresh fruit:. The perfect prey to hunt my mind thought, my cytolasm racing with excitement.. I used the chemical in this bottle to mask my body, and this thing smelled horrendous to say the least. A long bath would probably be necessary to do after my hunt was over. I climbed up into a tree, my pseudopods emerging from the “cape” along my back helped make the climb easier. I eased around the branches and leaves, making sure I did not accidentally drag myself onto the tree bark. Many other dynos always did judge me for my methods, whether it was my life style of being nomadic, or the fact i looked like a fox in order to disguise myself in the woods, but those same dynos are also the ones who were so eager to hunt for rewards for their leaders. They always sought benefits that i would dare dream to own but alas, I always earned it myself rather than be given it for mineal tasks. Once I climbed atop the branches of the tree, I moved swiftly around, monitoring my prey. The big buck was enjoying its fine meal: a patch of fresh grass that was just as green as I while I began to make some noises in an attempt to draw its attention. I never could properly mimic voices like other dynos, but when it worked it was far more impressive than I'd like to admit. Once the deer was distracted, I lunged down from the tree and stabbed my pseudopod right through its heart. a noticeable squelch and faint noise were heard and soon it fell silent. I looked into the deer’s eyes, its mouth agape but no scream was heard. I began to drag my reward towards my temporary home, to enjoy the sweet taste of this meat though I'd need to wash myself off first.
The water felt so smooth against my body, a flow that felt like a nice chilly wind on a hot summer day as I washed my membrane. My “cape” pseudopods washed along my membrane as after a fee minutes, I was finally able to get this horrid chemical off of me. Once I was fully cleaned up, I retreated back to my home as I began to prepare the deer for its process. I hung it up by its hind legs, carefully removing the fur while using my pseudopod to cut it off like slowly, like whittling wood into a fine shape. Blood was along the ground, on my pseudopods, and my chest as I placed the innards of the deer aside to be cleaned, along with the rest of its carcass. I did not know what to do with the bones, perhaps on my travels I could go to that one colony who thrives on combat along with their fascination with bones, or so I've heard from whispers on the wind. Minutes passed after I cleaned myself up once more at the river, I soon returned back to my camp to contunue the process. The deer’s innards slowly drying up, as they were on a little makeshift wooden rack to hold them up for now. One by one I began to clean and cook them over the fire, making sure the bad bits were fully picked out before I savored my meal. Plenty of dynos love to eat it pure raw right from the source, fresh and ready to devour. In my experience however from stealing from human settlements and reading those books they have for cooking, i’ve learned to enjoy a nice cooked piece of meat rather than a full raw one. As all of the meat cooked, I wondered to myself…what would I be like if I were to live in a colony, surrounded by others who also enjoyed my splendors? To revel in hunts for humans and animals to savor their meat, or to give them to others who earned the right to get this food? I must be hungry, those thoughts are invading my mind again. The meat was fully cooked as I began to devour it slowly to make sure i enjoyed every bit of it. The crispy taste along with a juicy red center was something a dyno should truly savor every now and then. Once I enjoyed my meal, I took some stolen salt from my pouch as I sat down and salted the meat, to preserve it for later when I get hungry again. My mind went slightly adrift as I pulled out a map, wondering where to set up my next temporary home as the campfire slowly began to die out. “Perhaps I could set up outside of a colony, to give them some help..for a price.” I spoke, a soft grin on my face forming as I pulled the bloom back up on my face as I put the preserved meat aside. I laid back down in my small mat as the sunset was slowly becoming night once more. Tomorrow would be yet another day to hunt, or to relax, both are quite fun to me regardless of the situation.

Next up
Poor Synapse was taken over by the Solver and assimilated Virulence into his body. He's quite long in this form lol
New dyno oc! Check out the article.
Meet the new and improved Techa, affected by the Techrot this time around instead of the Technocyte! (He's a Vulpaphyla)
He has a bit of a punk attitude, his previous clothes and earrings merged and melded into his body via the Techrot assimilation.
Who wants their character drawn ??
Some doodles I did of Techa, with him being made of Techrot he's an interesting fella.
1st doodle is of him listening to On-Lyne
2nd is of the carious ways he attacks (in order: Quills from mouth, corruption weapons, larval stage)
And 3rd is just weapons
Little mini story time with Diabolo in regards to the picture here. Check out the article to learn a bit more of the inner mind of this performer of the Circus Colony...(from a pov of Diabolo himself)
He's just a preformin' guy! I would have had the puppet be someone's Dyno for a little show but I got a little lazy lol
Got bored so I drew Alice and Skip.
3d ref sheet of Deacon using his new avatar by my friend FragRaptor! Plus some of the emotes along with the avatar itself