I'm quite surprised with how the atmosphere changed in the pixel arts with just a simple palette change.
What really stopped me from just blasting these out is that they're animations, so I have to paint bucket everything (Even if it is one pixel) for the total amount of frames (Which can get pretty high).
Cool thing is, I finally finished the unfinished Pixel Art V5 (And now it's unfinished palette swap counterpart is now the true unfinished one) and realized why it went unfinished in the process. The stupid mixels on it made it not only an eyesore, but a pain to finish too because I couldn't downscale it to its normal size.
Maybe in the future I can do a "Reimagined" version of the first few pixel arts, where I increase the canvas size, use a different palette and actually change the scene instead of just doing a palette swap, but we'll see.
I sadly do not have much more to say, I usually like to talk about the process in making them, what I like/dislike about them, the plan for the future, ETC. But I can't really think of anything (Maybe it's because I'm doing this at 2AM you idiot). Anyways, I'm gonna finish the revamp for Pixel Art V5 and then V6 (V7 and above I started using actual palettes so I'll probably stop at V6 for now). And until next time, adieu