My current modpack has gotten too cluttered with mods i don't like and stuff that doesn't fit
So I've completely remade my game with a new modpack, with almost 200 mods including the Witherstorm mod
Unlike previously most of these mods are tweaks and little things to enhance the vanilla experience (little HUD animations, resource packs, first person model, etc.)
I'll still have plenty of big mods like TACZ, Create (plus all the Valkyrien Skies addons) and Ad Astra, as well as many others
I'll not be transferring my save to this new modpack but instead use the schematics I've made of the Palace Of Order, the Lazarcopter, and the Tankar
Also no I'm not spawning the Witherstorm in my world, I made a test world to make sure the modpack was working (and to have a bit of fun) and I underestimated how destructive this boss is, I'm not having this thing tear my palace to bits...