4 hours ago

ruh roh

wrong theme

this could better with shadow tubby



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11 days left

possibly big hiatus

or temporally cancelled if you wanna considere it

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ya guys dont have idea of how much i fucking hate this template

literally this bullshit since its fucking creation failed on being a meme

i can smell the ashes of this shit even being 4 countries far

cant make him better without change complety the concept complety


had to take a screenshot due the size issue

and here is how my account is slowly getting drowned in being visually downgraded...

pumpmaster returnng

having the feel that i actually posted this before

betting my whole organic system to this motherfucker would get everysingle female in world if he was real

returned after of the 2 months of disaster

might some of you will get why


''hes not enjoyning this ofc''


and thats how my dick blowed up and pierced the wall

only i could this i would be that down rn...