Introducing the "Run and Hydliyde" Update, this update will contain new sidequests, new dungeons and areas, new weekly events and a small Hydliyde surprise! All this and more as the days go by...Anyway here is the Monday devlog.
Added an island below the pennisula where the Ancient Factory is on
Added Neo-Eientei
Created character graphics for a generic Moon Rabbit, Kaguya Houraisan, and Jim the Knight
Added a splash screen partially recycled from the Legend of ZUN remake
Bug Fixes
None have been made as of this time
Updated version information on title screen
Added a small autorun event in Ancient Cave in Hapsburg after the player has completed the main story encouraging the player to explore.
Small internal changes to make room for additions in this update and any other updates in the future
Please follow this game or my account for new updates and news of this game.
Thank you
-Frank Topham