2 years ago

Sadly still having no luck getting the files off of my old hard drive, it's showing a corrupted partition meaning massive progress was lost(yet again, will try more later)... Anyways, in the process of re mapping the world cause that caused some issues.

This particular area is right outside of Queen Mono's Palace. The giant snake is Bridget Bridgington, she's pregnant with her bridgelets, which will burrow in to the ground and grow up to be bridges with each their own gimmicks.

I've only just started the re-map, and it'll probably take a bit to do cause the world of Bunzica is very big with many biomes, dimensions, various afterlife stuff ect. each with their own unique gimmicks, characters, locations, plant life. Not doing this properly last time caused some huge narrative plot holes that I needed to go back and potentially rewrite huge portions of, if not entire chapters to the point I would basically be starting from scratch to get a cohesive narrative even if I did get the files transferred successfully, so this may be a blessing in disguise.

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Next up

I was originally going to do the prologue section last, since the original plan was that it would a remake of MTB:TDOW but I changed most of the plot and gameplay so I decided to do it first plus it stands on its own anyways. So anyways here is a teaser!

I met Charles Martinet(former voice of like %99 of the Mario cast) today!

Alright, got things flowing a little better already, still obviously very early but overall starting to shape up really well IMO.

Muppy Muddington Tales : January 2023 Main Progress Update (Warning Major Spoilers)

Wanted to practice drawing something different than usual so I drew Sans since the Deltarune newsletter just dropped lol. pretty proud of it being just a real quick doodle.

I'm still trying to make this look and flow better, any advice?

Wanted to draw something in a(slightly) higher resolution style compared to my normal drawings, so I drew Lilly. Tried to capture a Paper Mario esque vibe with it, and I'm really proud of how it came out!

Concept art for the first mini boss Ally Gater, I really like how she turned out.

Progress is going smoothly once again, my attempts at animating the cutscenes are still...not good, but I am learning.

I'm going to try to get a new demo out soon, the prologue is roughly %75 complete, it's technically beatable other than boss fights, bonus levels, the sub area, and some cutscenes, it really needs some major touch ups though(especially Heatway Desert).