Scarlet Rain was a game I made in hopes to be one of "those" titles, those that you find out of nowhere in the internet and think they're really underrated and that more people should know about it. I wanted to make it a wacky adventure game that shouldn't be treated seriously; a game that people would enjoy and fondly remember; my Magnum Opus, it's good as a game if it's not treated seriously and the not-stellar art is ignored, and that's the problem, the only way of enjoying this game is to ignore the flaws.
I don't want my Magnum Opus to be like this.

I'm going to become 15 in this year's August 1rst. I was 12 when I began this game. On the course of that time, I grew, obviously I grew physically, but I also grew as a writer, as an artist, and most importantly as a person. Scarlet Rain was a way of escapism, an ideal world where injures healed up in seconds and death wasn't permanent. When I finished the game I was mature enough to want Scarlet Rain 2 to slide down the idealist scale and take a stop near cynicism. Add that to the improved writing and art, and it's just going to make Scarlet Rain look bad to the point of not being enjoyable to understand the sequel.
That's why I decided for a long time now to remaster SR1.

I'm going to rework the sprites (mainly the portrait ones), add a few original tracks into the game and improve the story and grammar. A close friend of mine who played the game back complained that the character development for most characters except Kyubel was pretty much rushed, and I agree in some aspects (especially with Blake and Garu).
I'm dead-sure that I'm reworking the side animation for the overworld sprites, I'm dead-sure that I'm reworking the enemies, but I'm not sure if I'll properly replace the overworld sprites with the Scarlet Rain 2 overworld sprites, since I do want some improvement between games.
Another thing I want to do is shorten tedious sections such as the backtracking in Chillfreeze Isle and lengthening some conversations to give spotlight to some characters, alongside some extra cutscenes and CGs if I feel like drawing them.
The remaster will have its own separate page while this one will be left out as a Legacy version, I'm looking forward to working on this project, it's gonna be a slow development just like Scarlet Rain as I like to make my games at my own pace, but hope that it's gonna be worth-it in the long run.
I don't know whoever is reading this, I don't know if someone will read this to begin with, but thank you for reading until the end, thank you for at least knowing my project exists, thank you for listening to my rant.