Scratch Game Dolt API Screen template

10 months ago

Scratch Game Dolt API template 0.2.0 just released!

Enjoy the new version. Please update your API screen builds. Looks down to see latest news about the updated build.


  • Gave this template trophies in the not download version

  • Made the log out button only appear once there's no characters in both of the API boxes.

Thank you for your support for the Scratch Game Dolt API screen template! Have a nice day and don't forget to scratch on!

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Next up

Hey y'all I just made this brand smacking new community but I dunno what to do with it lol.

I've heard about what happened today. Game Jolt is collabing with NFTs. Very unacceptable shit. By the day I heard Game Jolt constantly prove they aren't a good platform anymore.

Good job @gamejolt ! Taking down the posts about a groomer being on your site instead of the actual groomer! You deserve a promotion!

codebombs go brrrrrrrrrrrr

@web125546 We did not betray you. You betrayed us. I tried to talk you when it happened trying to get your side of the story but you kept on blocking me. That hurt man. That hurt. Especially when I knew what you did contradictory to what you said.

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)

I'm thinking of doing a massive update to this. There's somethings I dreamed about adding to this but couldn't add due to me knowing how to code it or just didn't have the time to code. Welp when I have time might as well do a very huge update to this.

A final letter to my friends and foes.

Here it comes Sharky, the fastest Sharkan Jester!