Jonathan's Adventure: Bickery Edition
16 days ago

Seb's Devlog #134: 6/9/2024

What happened?

Well, this week gave me another project idea, can't wait to announce it once I get a demo out for it. But first, let's come back to old friend, the demo. For JABE.

I'm unlisting it. Nah, fuck that, it's getting another update for it. Probably its' last update, BUT if you really like the demo for ANY reason, pay attention to the next devlogs because this is important information you shouldn't miss out on. Now, what the update will include is potential fixes and also bugs that needed to be destroyed because HOLY FUCK am I understaffed as HELL. But because of how outdated it is compared to current JABE, the demo will practically include a disclaimer telling you this is not a proper demo of what JABE is and also properly inform you that JABE is more or less a reboot of JAMV (I'm not going to say JAC because again, the name is STUPID.). Though that's not to say what was the project the demo's based on is gone.

And this is where I introduce this new project, which for its' codename, it will be JAMV2K3. Why this codename? Well, for one, it's a DEMAKE. It contains practically most all of the story elements from the original game's story, yes, Pricker Edition does that, but it fucks up so much because it's not really the same story, it's just Joey making JA be fucking Sonichu, BUT it's not just as a demake. I don't like having it just be "JAMV but with more cut content due to limitations of the engine itself.", I wanna introduce more stuff, albeit to a certain degree. For example, let's talk about the Level Up screen from the game.

Now, my biggest problem with the screen is that I feel like this was done terribly, mainly because it doesn't get essential information such as what stats are increased, in vanilla RPG Maker MV, Level Up messages only include how much levels an actor has reached and also what skills they've learned. Another problem was also how long it gets from just seeing it. Sure, it's flashy and all, but the problem is that the Level Up event itself required to start up EACH time an actor did increase their level and old me didn't know how to make it continue for EACH member that did level up. This is the exact problem Jonathan's Adventure Pricker Edition shares and frankly that's one of its' problems, it doesn't make old things in the game better, it makes more problems that didn't exist in the original game or does not fix those problems at all, like for example, the dumbed down buff/debuff system that mainly uses statuses to work. On one hand, okay fair, 2k/2k3's buff and debuffs are flawed and that's because they were limited to flat values of +200 to -200 to a stat, but statuses for buffs never works due to how statuses work like plugins, where only 3 can be active per Actor, and also how skills work. You can't make a debuff skill that can either apply the debuff status OR if there's a buff status on the player/enemy, it cancels out and removes it, you would have to make TWO skills to do it. And on other, why the hell does Attack Up and Defense Up BOTH increase Mind? Yes, I get that magic skills are basically the same as physical skills except they're half as strong due to the skill calculation it uses, but you don't need 2 statuses to do it. Though speaking of statuses, why the hell is Speed Up/Down NOT included? Like the engine is built with ATB in mind, the demo INCLUDES Imasu learning Luck Up and Luck Down at LVL 10, so exactly why isn't it included in the game? Oh right. Because the JA cult isn't the one who knows their shit when it comes TO JAMV because anyone who can see the demo's .json files can see this black and white, it's IN THE GAME. You don't make Omni-Ventus, a skill that's made to be a small wind attack that affects all enemies to be a fucking medium wind attack that hits ALL enemies. Do these people understand the terminology? Let alone KNOW what the system's influences are?? I don't get why make it a MEDIUM attack because the Omni- prefix doesn't make it a higher tier skill, it tells you it HITS ALL ENEMIES because words like omnipresent tells you it's widespread.

Well I type too much, it's like 11:55 so I gotta wrap it up, see you on the next devlog.



Next up

it's fucking jonathan (the character)'s anniversary and here's the art i made just like 3 hours ago so enjoy it. (btw i will post this shit in newgrounds later because this is a schedule post and i'm writing this shit in 11 PM)

meanwhile within the JA staff team's discord (part 2)

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

Just a Pico sprite

Finished work on the emotions of a new character for the tank universe

Update 2.627

New challenges & new effects!

OK, this starts to be too tricky puzzle already :D

#platformer #indiegame #puzzle

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