Well, this post is to show and explain some of the "secondary abilities" which you can use during the game! (and which I forgot to mention earlier)
1.Stick to the Walls.
Well, I think the name explains it all. It is an Ability which allows you to stay glued to a wall while moving in the direction of that wall (and once you stop pressing the move button, or go to the opposite direction to the wall, you will detach yourself from it)
2."Look Beyond"
Well, this skill basically consists of as its name implies "Look beyond" without having to move, this can be done by pressing the "S" and then choosing which side you want to see, pressing the "A" or the "D" (and when using this, you will not be able to move, or teleport).
Well, those are all the "secondary abilities" of the game that I had not shown before, but also, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for the support that InnerSpace's Page has had, this has been very well received and I really thank you for everything <3
...and Well, that's all for now, soon there will be more information about the Game!