Tales Of Underlegends
2 years ago

Tales of Underlegends: Chapter 1 (Teaser Trailer)
In an alternate timeline, their adventure continues...

So, I have just released the teaser trailer for Chapter 1 of Tales of Underlegends. It honestly makes me feel happy that so many people are excited for the release of the game, ever since the first mention of it over a year ago.

Along with this though, I have received a number of questions about the game, and so I'm here to answer them. Excuse me if I missed any, either I didn't see them yet or you haven't posted them.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS... number 32,492

Q: What is Tales of Underlegends?
A: Tales of Underlegends is a fusion between Undertale universes. It's an alternate timeline, and an alternate journey that follows Frisk beyond their pacifist route. The gist of it is to see what would happen to Frisk if they decided to partake in tournaments that had their skillset, and if they found out it was well known among their kind.

Q: How many chapters will there be?
Currently, I've finished writing the base story for the first three. I've started work for beyond Chapter 3, but I haven't finalised everything yet. I do have a base that I'm working from, though.

Q: I noticed YouTubers are going to be in this game. Will ________ be in it?
A: So far, I have selected nine different YouTubers. I have permission from a couple of them to use their characters and those have made it into Chapters 1-3. Not all of the characters in the game may be familiar to you, and that's because some of them aren't even YouTubers at all. They're guest stars!

A: Don't count on it.

Q: Can I record/stream this game to my channel/social media?
A: Absolutely, without a doubt! The only thing that I request is that you link to the original game if you choose to do so.

Q: Who is helping you make this game?
A: Everyone in the credits of the Chapter 1 teaser trailer has helped the game development in one way or another.

Q: Can you remake ___________ in this? I heard you're doing remakes!
A: Probably not, seeing as I would need permission from the original creators of the game, which is a long, tedious and nerve-wracking process for me to go through. I have a select group of creators that I might want to ask, but some of them have left the Internet completely, so contact with them would be impossible.

Q: Is the April Fools demo canon?
A: No. It was simply a fake.

Q: Can I give you money for this game?
A: As much as I appreciate the offer, I'm going to have to decline, because 1) I don't have any valid payment methods without giving out personal information, 2) Toby Fox would probably sue me, and 3) It's a fangame. It's illegal. Even if it is just a measly donation, I'm going to have to decline. Not for one dollar, not even one million dollars. Sorry.

Q: Can I help work on this game?
A: Currently, I'm not taking anyone else on. If I ever do, it will probably be for Chapter 3 and beyond. I'm learning a lot as I do this and I don't want to be lazy.

Q: Can you port this game to ___________?
A: Sadly, as much as I would love to, I can't. I've had this same issue with my Undertale Godhome Mod, where it was made available for Windows only (can be ported to Linux with ease if you know what you're doing). I can't do other devices. I want to, but I can't.

Q: Is this your first game?
A: Unless you count crappy Scratch games from the 2010s, or my singular encounters and Genocide Asgore Remake, yes.

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Next up

People have been asking me for the sprites to make their thumbnails so here you go

UPDATE - 23/08/2021:-

Got the first of many events working in the base game. Just don't eat too much pie.

Progress update - 17/10/2021:

Been busy with IRL work, but I managed to get started on the Minigames. Oh yeah, did I mention that this game has MINIGAMES?

More details to be revealed soon. In the meantime, have some settings.

"how do you turn yellow in this game if you did genocide"


Another teaser pic + update

Almost done

Just a little bit more

The Update of Dread, version 1.2, is finally here!

Pardon the quality, American Sans shot my camera

How would you register your excitement level for this game? Don't worry, your choice doesn't mean anything... or does it?