This month went well
most notable achievements are that Hiroki is Implemented in game and my artstyle is close to be what I wanted.
What I completed currently;
Better camera movement
Hiroki can walk, shift sprint, jump and can go to combat mode using the tab input.
-Stamina will degenerate only in combat mode when you are walking, sprint, jump and attack, because then the player needs to be carefull not to deplete their stamina or else they can’t run and are weaker.
-HUD will only show up when the player needs it. For example, The health-, stamina- and energybar will only show up when you are in combat mode.
-Made a landscape material to make Arcena a bit more natural.
-Added water, but not water physics.
What I still need to complete;
-water physics
-adding vegetation
-pause menu
-Basic attack mechanism
-Special attack mechanic
-Energy depletion
-Get Hit Mechanic
-Particle system
-Emiko Chinatsu needs to be animated and have AI abilities, like talking and giving items, for testing AI Interactivity
Thank you for reading.