1 month ago

Shhhh is a secret leak



Next up


Did this on school.

Is there any cool way to do coloring and shading on ibis paint? I like this too much to just make a shit coloring

What the image says

----- Five Nights at Sonic's: Back to 2015 -----

A promotional art

Phantom Salvage Sonic

I actually like how this looks kwbskebemsnsmel hate the hand tho

YAY! it's FNaS 2 9th anniversary (maybe late in some zones) so that means Reopened just came out, go and play it!, also please report bugs, thanks for the long wait

Past vs future

A sonic Coffees fan art of mine

I'm testing ibis paint effects lololwlelwolssolsols

Lately i have been trying to MMfie some Act 0 assets recreated them so I can actually learn mm style

Heard it was FNaS 2 anniversary today so I drew these two little things lol

So close...