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Change of plans: I'll be making the remaining models by only doing texture editing.
Here's FrankenWario, which is a Tycoon Wario edit.
I don't know if a capless/hatless Wario model exists, so this is what I'll be using for this game.
Bad news: @Dperk has confirmed he's no longer going to work on music for this game, because he's too busy with life and felt like he was rushing to finish them.
I now need someone else to compose the missing music (All-Out Mode and cutscenes).
The art for all achievements are now finished.
Finished phone calls and subtitles for Nights 1-5 and the Final Night.
Rat Race Production Update
Been wanting to watch this movie (Home Alone [1990]) for a while, now I'm finally watching it!
I know I'm late for the FNaS 10th anniversary, but here are some wallpapers of the official games (1-5, as well as 4 HE and MM) that I made with the game files.