3 days ago

showing you all my souvenirs that I bought going to other countries thanks to these two cruises that I did.

on the second cruise, when it was my last day of it, i buyed a big plushie of his mascot, it looks so adorable.

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i like how burning blaze makes a return on two games, since her form appeared for the first time on Sonic Rush, like the normal character, i'm surprised

the first super mario game i had when i was little, this was so fun to play, and also amazing, but i never completed it, i only did two worlds and then stopped, old times

going to mcdonald's, hope you guys are all fine

i'll see if i can try some new burgers that i never tried.

don't make my mistake when you look at an eclipse

the second mario kart i had on my life, i played mario kart 7 so many times and is really an awesome game, but like i said, i don't have my nintendo 3DS anymore :<

As promised, here's the video of the kingsnake! It was displeased by my existence. It even shook its tail a tiny bit... You ain't no rattlesnake!

Oh, and I also put a little warning in the beginning for any who have a fear of snakes, as requested.

ngl, sally acorn is really an awesome character on sonic's saga, i wish a return for her :<

returned to play Sonic Advance, absolutely my favorite game, two years ago i finished it with sonic, now i finished it with tails

My latest cake creation! Tony Tony Chopper from One Piece

I'm doing a competition on my YouTube to give away a Choppermon funko pop, all you have to do to enter is watch the vid and comment with your favourite One Piece character! Link in comments

when i eated cheesepizza on the cruise it becomed my favorite pizza, is so delicious