Five Nights at Bonnie's Remake

9 months ago



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@Thegoatone123 I fixed it, happy now?

I am an idiot.

April fools day is the best day to put on my clown boots. 🤡

Springbonnie be existing with the new cupcake model now, woooOOO (update: the development has been going very good so far! We're still taking our absolute time though. :P)

This is very memorable as bad as this image is, it brings back good times when I was constantly working on games.

#MostFearedMob Magma Cubes are a fucking menace, me and the boys had so much trouble dealing with them when we got into the nether

Vox is like GGX "We are pleased to announce Five Nights at Bonnie's 4 Remake is coming soon!" @Fredinator