Chica's Party World: REBAKED

7 months ago

Small devlog update to help break the silence.
Read below!


Its been a while! Sorry again for my absence, our motivation has just been a bit low lately, but we're doing our best to get back on track. We are still aiming for a release this year.

Recently Coraline and Chica have been 100% finished functionality wise, as they have to be done in tandem with each other due to relying on each other for positioning on the stage. Nonetheless, their AI is fully finished! This means currently a night is fully playable.
Additionally, Security's voice has been altered slightly to be less high pitched due to complaints about the voice filter being too grating.

Not everything is 100% finished of course, we still have some touchups to do like finalizing lighting, implementing more of the sound design, finalizing the UI system, tweaking some of the jumpscare animations, tweaking Silver Chicken's AI to fit a bit better with some critiques we've received regarding how she functions, as well as night progression itself (like having a proper 6 AM screen)
Luckily, this all shouldn't take too long to implement on their own! Just a lot of small things that come together to make one big process.

As discussed before on this page, once the main night sections are 100% done, I'll be overhauling this game page to fit the new version, and the old version of the game will be moved to a separate "legacy" page for archival purposes.

After we finish all of the main night, as well as the main menu most likely, we'll be moving on to the free roam section functionality. From what I've been told talking to Squeaks, we actually anticipate the free roam section functionality being easier to implement than the main night, though this is of course to be seen in practice.

The 2D cutscene artwork has also made strides in being edited to fit the new high poly design changes, the small details go a long way!
That's really all for now, hopefully I can keep you guys more updated soon.

- Rose



Next up

Small update

Well since everyone seemed to like the idea of another QnA, here we are! Ask me about anything! Lore, game progress (though you guys already know about that), how my day is, anything you like! I'll do my best to respond. :) -

More work on Vicious Right Hook We actually managed to model and implement a stage all in one day which was pretty cool. It's not 100% finished but its pretty damn close in comparison to most of the stuff implemented so far.


A quick question for you guys! See article:

Rat Race Production Update

Another mini dev log! Read below

''Could someone be at my window?''

Sneak peak - New night 1 menu soundtrack #fnaf #chicaspartyworldrebaked