
3 years ago

Small verbal progress update. Nothing huge, just proving we're alive still.

So basically uh

The entire game's layout is conceptualized now. Phase 3 is yet to be written, but due to how its structured it doesn't need TONS of writing.

Phase 3's sprite is completed. A teaser for it will be posted with Skull Detonation II when the song is finished but of all sprites this is probably the only one that won't be seen fully til full release.

As for demo progress, we're getting close. Complications arise due to RC3 being not great compared to newer releases of the engine, but the final game will be on the latest version of the engine.

From the last update, the main battle of the demo is being touched up and difficulty is being added. After that, we gotta mess around with an overworld cutscene and a menu page, which is gonna take probably the most time according to Dream.

Comic and general story progress are basically dictated now on how often and how motivated I am to write. The first draft of Snowdin has been written, though I'm going back on a certain part because it felt too rushed. Waterfall has the most intensive story beats in it leading up to the conclusion so it's gonna take arguably the most time. I haven't started the draft for that yet. Once I'm happy with the final state and flow of Snowdin, comic progress will be resumed.

If you guys want the entire version of the AU that I'm writing in story format, just say you want that in the comments coz I'm happy to put it up somewhere alongside the comic.

The team has a list of things I want to do by the end of the year. If things go well, we'll finish that list. Just stay tuned.



Next up

We're still here! + LOOKING FOR OVERWORLD SPRITERS ASAP - DM spice individual#7078 IF INTERESTED

SCARLET FLARE STORY FAQ [Misconceptions + other bits]

Scarlet Flare | 1st Anniversary!



original design by fusion flare (based)

strike out. | Underswap : Ritual of the Mist [OFFICIAL]

*In the darkness, his eyes shines brighter than ever.

Another Update!

Pyrolysis II Release + Goodbye to Stellaricity/Star Soda!

underswop papyros but he forgor to swap

they'll hate me for this one! [zynro's dusttrust but fnf what the hell]