4 months ago

So after forgetting to post at the end of last week, I can now show the practice I’ve had in my drawing class with clear bottles. Now I guess back to my English Finals project…



Next up

Ho go ho, hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday! Consider this quick doodle (which gave me a good excuse to try out a new little sketchbook I got as a present) as an “afterhours gift” of sorts from me, with more coming up soon!

I present to you people, Alolan Sandshrew!

(You’re welcome @Minicher for your favorite Alolan regional variant)

When the “trick” is the “treat”…

(Hope y’all had a happy Halloween!)

Under the Desert Sky~

I wanted to remaster, an older piece of mine. How did I do? Tap/swipe to see the piece I created a whole year ago in January of 2023!

Here’s to a new year! 🎉

"I get it now."

(Swipe to the right to see the original pixel art!)

: Aseprite (Sequel to the last redraw at my profile/AnubiClub!)

Today was the last day of November, which pretty much signifies the end of Fall 2023. So in the final hours of its spirit (before the Christmas season), I had a cool inspiration to create an autumn-colored variant for imo an underrated Pokémon, Cherrim!

Now is about the point when the fall/autumn effect really starts to kick in. First post in the spooky month and you get a pumpkin!

Keep Your Hands Off Digital Circus, but with the characters separate! 🎪 🌟

// #TheAmazingDigitalCircus #Art #Fanart #TADC #Pomni #Ragatha #Jax 🌈💫

*ribbit ribbit*

Just drew these, and honestly, they didn’t appear that bad. (the assignment was literally snip a bit from a random magazine page, cut that bit in half, glue down the halves, then try to draw the respective halves)