I'm a bit late for the actual anniversary, but yeah! It's already been a year, which is just absolutely insane to me. While this specific game never got that much attention, the time I spent developing this game was such a blast that I (almost) don't care. But, this game has alot of issues, like New Game button just, *not* working, several sound issues, and general things like iffy graphics and gameplay not being the most interesting thing out there.
I'm kind of considering making a recode of this game, not just a patch, and including some more content for you all. If anyone's actually reading this, would you all be interested in that? Let me know, I'll probably just start working on it in the background anyways just cause it sounds fun to do.
But yeah, it's been a year!! Out of all the potential projects that I could've made first, I am so glad that it was this one, even if it is a bit underwhelming. Thank you all!