A Golden Past - Chapter 1: Grand Reopening

1 month ago

So, things have been quiet. Well, reason being we're retexturing work and planning more stuff that'll go into the final. I can't show the other version, but have this one

Retextures by my friend: @MeikoHiya



Next up


(Texture work by: @MeikoHiya )

At work chilling on break, but like why this drink actually hit different? First time having it too, it's good

One big happy family!!!

(I'm bored and waiting on stuffs, but in the meantime have this amazing awesome, spectacular even test render woooOOO)

Better look of image here:…

Maskie Reveal Teaser!

SCOTT IS ALWAYS WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(another test so not final lmao)

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to and accept the quest to get started.

A challenge level I made in GD, nothing super special. Got bored is all lmao. My dumbass didn't name it so it's just "unnamed" and y'know what? It's sticking to it LMAO

Botted by: @Halao

Do you guys think you could take on fredbear? LOOK AT HIS IMMENSE POWER!!!!!!!!!

(second image is a joke LMAO)

Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!

Test render with Fredbear (yes, scott faces are still there for now LMAO). AND NO, Fredbear will not be in the office like this, he'll be planned for something else. This is to test if things run well and sent well and it has thankfully. WOOO