Darkness Within (Title may change)
4 years ago

So yeah i was silent a long time, but the project is not dead, i just had problems with my computer (and still have) :/ and u know, the whole 2020 is a mess :/



Next up

I uploaded some concept art, they are 32x64. Models in game will be smaller. Those are bigger just because I want to design the characters in more detail.

btw. I'm new to pixel art or drawin at all so yeeeah...

Just as Pecaminosa's musicians #improvise this rendition of #LittleSunflower 🌻, so do we improvise with this post you're reading. 😂

What's coming out of your own improvs? 🤔

#Pecaminosa | #IndieDev | #OST | #Jazz

We are under attack!

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

Have a good Boi

Quantum precognition is one of the most powerful cards. End game cards & equipment. Demo/alpha build boss is no match for this deck.

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram

I was bored, so... ManutKat.

Family band complete!