11 days ago

Some more Hylics art. The reason the second one has Spanish text is I made it during Spanish class, and wanted to show my teacher [who liked it!].

"My name is Wayne, and my enemy is the full moon."

"Oh... my heart..."

"Please help me..."

"My soul is" [meant to put trapped, but I dunno the Spanish equivalent yet ]



Next up

Clothing practice!

Scheduled 3 am post!

This is even realer.

Also, happy Friday the 13th!

Scheduled 1 am post

W e m u s t d i s a p p e a r

To be a princess living in a cottage

So I went to the Ren Fest for the last time this year, and I got a lot of things, including dice for my D&D club!

My beauty :] 🫀 Inspired by 14th century medieval art

I pulled out my portrait book and did some more practice!

Dex Fax!!

A blurry picture of Azzy finding you.

“Found you! :)”

I’ll redraw this later.