Firstly, the previously mentioned friend of a friend who I was planning on drawing new item sprites gave me a cost estimate that was a little too rich for my blood at the moment. I’m going to be saving my bucks so that even if he’s not available, I could still hire a spriter. I could, perhaps, create a Kickstarter and raise some funds, but I doubt I’d get many takers at this stage. But things may change.
I’m currently working on at least two minigames. Captain Proton will include a space shooter and a simple fantasy RPG which will be available to play via an in-game computer. Apart from that, the computer will also have an in-game news site, an email inbox for Captain Proton himself (and perhaps the ability to look at other crew members’ inboxes) and will also include humorous spam mail.
Lastly, I will still put out a demo within a month’s time. Before that, I plan on releasing a video with gameplay footage and some commentary by yours truly. :)
I’d like to thank all those who have given me support in developing this game. Your constructive criticisms, suggestions, and compliments are what keep me going. Honestly, if it wasn’t for you, I may never get this done. I thank God for people like you, and I pray He blesses you for what you’ve done. I promise I will work hard to provide you and the rest of the community with a fun game that you’ll enjoy. Again, thanks. :)
- Microfrog