Undertale: Cold Truth(Ironically, frozen. For a while)

4 months ago

Someone made a video about my mod. It's cool.



Next up

Coding cutscenes isn't hard. It's just inconvenient, long and boring.

New Papyrus's Sprite(kinda v3, lmao), By Pluss(I kidnapped this guy's fam-)

The new mod composer, Doime made a wip of the Bonetrousle remix for this mod. I don't think it's worth posting this, but know that the mod will have its own OST!

Remember I was talking about the US project I was brought on? We designed the fight menu today. In the screenshot is a submenu. Chars will be placed like in Scampton The Great and sprites will be unicolored like in TS!Underswap.

I found a VERY funny unused Chara's sprite in game files of BTT by Kosh, and with the powers of Undertale Mod Tool and Aseprite brought it back into the game.


(May content bad grammar)If you have any ideas for the game(any) feel free to suggest. Also feel free to consider this a QnA and ask questions. Also any.

(РУ)продолжаю изучать Годот. Уже +- понял базу и сделал движение Фриск с анимацией

(RU)Т.к. меня взяли в команду UNDER!Swap Sans' Reliance нужно хоть как то нас пропиарить:

Удачного дня, ребята.

UT Hardmode concept. Sometimes i surprised how fast Pluss make cool shit like that

Here's the almost-completed scene of Sans's phone call. God, it took so long to make.