Something that I question a lot is the fact that Mario's EXES are called horrorbrews while Sonic's EXES are just called EXES, honestly Sonic's EXES should be called blood monitor or ringmaster, It's just an idea but if progress is made I'll be happy.
Next up
arabic demon and parasitic yokai = friends!
Kiseichu (the japanese) by me and @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY
Almutahar (the arabic) by Hogman303 on twitter
alright guys, we need a official VA for Kiseichu that know both english and japanese, If you're interested, contact me on discord: Willie_theRabbit or here on gamejolt!
Pixel stuff
i got bored, so here the new Kiseichu design
created and owned by me and co-owned by @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY
Friday Night Funkin'.
@PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY guess who back, back again, Pseftis's back, tell a friend, guess who back, guess who back, guess who back, guess who back (yea, this is a Without Me reference)
Cold so cold
doodle cuz i bored
Sonic123 created and owned by : Phantasm, Smokievgm and cheesybreader