9 months ago

Sometimes I wish I could just make really deeb post, stuff that really shows what I'm thinking, but Idk how to do that, no matter how deep I'm really thinking, or how deep I feel, best I can do is to draw it, and even that I can't do

like the pictures I have in my mind and the description to them, they so wishy washy sometimes, like if I was able to draw them you would think and AI made them, I really show wanna show my feelings, show what I'm thinking, show what is inside of me.

... Idk if I should post this to be honest, but if you read this you know I did it anyway, I hope you don't mind me posting more deep stuff, since most of the times I'm a bit more of a happy person here I think, I'm just going down and up at the moment, and my surroundings don't help, I keep asking if I can help knowing that I probably can't, knowing I have stuff to finish, but I just wand to have something I can look at and see I'm helpful, I was able to help, I'm important, ....

To be honest, I don't really know what I wand or what I need.
And the fact that it feels like I'm losing good friends of mine or that they just not interested in being my friends any longer or that they just no longer need me, that doesn't help.
I just don't know... but don't worry about me, I'm not like little me. I'm not gonna end my life, because I know it useless to do so, and I know there people who would/will miss me.

heh this is surprisingly deep, so much to I can't write deep stuff, but it not the kind of deep I meant, but I guess it still is something, if you read all this thank you, I don't really have anything else to say here now, but I guess I already said engouth.

This actually made me feel a but better, I guess this is why people do it



Next up

what a Lovely #Beach, right? ^^

I work so hard on this. and yet I know in a few years I'm not gonna like it XD but hey I tryd and that's what counts ^^

#GJAsks #CrossOver

Good Question, Good Think I ask ya if other Media works too UwU

But I still don't really have an Anwser for you

@_Utrechko_ FanArt

Third Pic of First Row

Kai doodles


forgot to post

I made Hatters aka Panda @MichaelMayonnaise in #GachaLife2 with different versions

I forgot to make some pictures without hat and hair but oh well. I also feel like I made some other mistakes but oh well again

#Panda #PandaBoy #Furry #Cute #Gacha #GL2

All my pictures of SMOKEY 😺 + some other cats (So far)

Here is a sketch doodle I made as a Server PFP idea for a Friend's RolePlay StoryBook DiscordServer

It's the #ArtWeeklies theme #DeadLands even so I didn't really make it look that dead ^^"

GUESS WHO IS BACK ONLINE OVER PC!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

omg I'm on for like 5 sec and already have all of my quest done lul well to be fear I missed a lot so no wonder

My cat got hit by a car today

She didn't make it

R.I.P sjaakie

When you pose with Flowers why do you always pose like you just got them, instead of posing like your giving them to someone?

#Pose #Posing #Poser #Flowers #DrawingReference #Reference #PosingWithFlowers #Photography #Photo #Question #Sketch