Sonic Horizons

14 days ago

sonic horizons chapter 4



Next up

animating loading screens is my passion

fancy menus are my passion

(ignore the on off switches i borked their alpha)


this looks familiar

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

in today's episode of What's new for Sonic Horizons, we have a new demo that recreates the level from the SAGE 2022 demo

hope you enjoy

Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

i finally updated this page after a year of it being stagnant

have this comically zoomed in photo mode image

workin on something cool

Here's the process of the Metal Sonic illustration I made a while ago. You'd never guess how it started... Left in the beginning sketches for a chuckle or two.

: Clip Studio Paint : Leva - Reaction by Vitaliy Levkin
